Canal Bis project produced by AbracadabraZ

Abracadabraz, a Pinnacle Group company, was chosen to produce a beautiful project together with great national artists. After a few meetings, it was decided to do something different, giving this production an air of cinema, and the choice of equipment and the operations team were essential to obtain the expected result. “Says Renan Alves Vieira- Operations Director of Abracadabraz” In this production we have certified professionals and state-of-the-art equipment, including the Blackmagic Cinema Camera Pocket 6K and Hollyland’s Cosmo C1 video transmitters, providing totally wireless monitoring so that the studio suffers as little intervention as possible, focused 100% on the part artistic.

There were several days of recording, in total there were dozens of terabytes captured for this incredible project, extolling Brazilian music.

Don’t miss it and watch it from 09/22/2022 on CANAL BIS and GLOBO PLAY.

In addition to this incredible project in the musical area, Abracadabraz has been doing various jobs in various sectors, such as medicine, the corporate sector, sports, entertainment, among others.

With various solutions in the Audiovisual sector, Abracadabraz has been growing and expanding its operations to various sectors and also in other states, such as the Hesed Institute project in Fortaleza-CE, which implemented and installed the system together with the teams, more dedicated training. , from a studio to 4K live broadcasts.
Capture, connect and share! This is our magical Abracadabraz🔺

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