E-IMAGE brand tripods and accessories arrived in Brazil

The Pinnacle Group, which is a Master distributor of some brands such as Blackmagic Design, E-IMAGE, Hollyland, AIDA Imaging, Yololiv, for Brazil and Latin America, has done an incredible job with its authorized resellers and the result is sales growth and especially the E-IMAGE brand has been taking a leading role in the national audiovisual market. With high quality products and a wide variety of accessories such as ; Tripods, Dollys, Microphones, Bags, Backpacks and many others, E-IMAGE has been developing and improving even more its product line, with new technologies and first line materials. It is for these reasons that the brand gives a lifetime warranty on its equipment, certifying the high quality and reliability of its products.

And it provides all this with the best cost-benefit on the market, in a line that goes from the Pro AV as the Tripod EK610, the best selling in Brazil, through the Broadcast line with the MOTUS22 to the Cinema with EG08AA together with the Dolly EI 7005, for give that fluid and light movement in productions.

Look for an authorized dealer to purchase your equipment and take advantage of stock availability.

Check out the entire E-IMAGE line on our website www.gpinnacle.com and see which product best fits your productions

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